Appetite and Eating Habits

Appetite and Eating Habits

The only time that you should be eating is when you are hungry. Trust me, this is actually easier said than done. However it is the first step to healthy eating habits and can be the undoing of many other weight-loss attempts

Keep a regular eating schedule: try to eat every day at the same time and avoid snacking between meals. You should leave the table with a feeling of a slightly empty stomach.

Don’t eat when upset

You should never eat while experiencing pain or discomfort. You should also refrain from food if don’t feel well either physically, emotionally or mentally – or when you have a high fever. During illnesses with a fever, people should be fasting, rather than eating. Strong emotions, such as anger, hatred, envy, fear, doubt or anxiety interferes with food assimilation, so even the healthiest diet provides little benefit.

Digestion requires your body to work. You should not be eating before, during and/or after exhausting activities – physical or mental. Never eat when you don’t have enough time for a meal. People need to have a rest not only after the meal, but also before the meal – otherwise, they are too tired to eat and digest properly.

Eat with the seasons

During wintertime, we should eat foods that supply our body with “warming energy.” We should give preference to the foods that have accumulated the energy of the sun during the summer months (grains, vegetables, root vegetables).

In summertime, we should eat more watery “cooling” foods, such as tomatoes, cucumbers, watermelons and berries. Those foods are not suitable for winter due to the opposite energy balance.

For better digestion please drink liquids either 10-15 min before meals, or 2 hours after them.

Fasting and semi-fasting days are very beneficial. During those days, you should only have liquids, such as fresh water, or water diluted with fresh squeezed juice. Another possibility is to only eat fruit.